Theodore Dalrymple gillar jag
Under rubriken The Knife Went In förklarar han tjusigt hur vi har en förmåga att skylla ifrån oss. Vem är karln?
Han skriver också. Bland annat i City Journal:
"When Cameron said that he wanted to build a more cohesive society, he didn’t pause to consider whether cohesiveness can be built, as if societies were made of Lego. When he said that many immigrants to Britain didn’t feel British, he deliberately missed the point that it’s not how immigrants feel that matters, but how they behave. No one has any idea how British the Polish, Brazilian, Chinese, Vietnamese, and other immigrants (of whom there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions in total) feel, but nobody cares, because none of them is intent upon the destruction of British institutions." (Jag har fetat).
Han har humor också.