Lite mer stake, tack!

Den här damen hade ryggrad. Hon tramsade inte runt. Rätt eller fel är en smaksak, men hon var en statsminister — inte en stassminister. Sällsynta varelser idag. Hon kunde handskas med både ord och publik. Hon hade synpunkter på EU också:
Det finns ju vissa idag som hävdar att hon skulle förorda att Storbritannien skulle stanna kvar i EU. Det motsägs däremot av folk som hört henna tala, både privat och offentligt. Booker vet:
"The other was her enthusiasm for us to remain in “Europe”. In 1996, as I reported, my family and I were with her at a house party in Scotland. She suggested one evening that several bright teenagers present, including my son Nick, should question her in front of the gathering.
Nick asked: “Lady Thatcher, do you think we should leave the European Union?” Holding up the five fingers of one hand, she said, “There are five reasons why we should leave it”. She spent 20 minutes ticking off her fingers as she outlined four, at which point the oratory stopped. Nick said, “Lady Thatcher, you said there were five reasons. What was the fifth?” With a triumphant smile, she raised her little finger to say, very emphatically, “They stole our fish!”
Kanske kan vara bra att veta nu när alla vill fibbla med historiska fakta.


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