Ungern ångar på

"Addressing the country’s economic situation, the Prime Minister said that the country is experiencing a period of upsurge and one more step will be made forward in 2017. Wages increase every single year while unemployment is decreasing and not for 25 years have as many people been in employment as now; importantly, this was achieved not on borrowed money, he pointed out, stressing that Hungary has paid back its IMF-EU loan. Also mentioning tax cuts and the increasing value of pensions, he emphasised that EU statistics suggest that the number of people living in poverty fell by 600 000 in the country in 2013-2014."
Arbetslösheten sjunker, man lånar inte i onödan till onödiga ting, man betalar tillbaka sin lån och på det hela taget går det framåt. Man håller dessutom huvudet högt. Man springer inte i EU:s koppel, man far runt alldeles själv. Man har en egen idé om hur invandringen skall gå till. Man verkar helt enkelt kompetent.
Kul tycker jag.


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