Man visste och dolde
Det blir värre och värre. Historien från Köln vid nyår når avskyvärda höjder. Som den här:
"... the document confirms that the police were fully aware of what was going on." Polisen visste alltså vad som pågick. Sen gick regeringen in i handlingen:
"More damning than the revelation that police knew about the attacks and kept them from the public was the explicit order to play down the seriousness of crimes by the Interior ministry. An “internal police memo” which detailed “a request from the ministry” instructed police that they were to “cancel” the use of the word “rape” in their reports."
Således, inte bara polisen svek, de svek på order av regeringen, i Tyskland, en numera före detta demokrati.
Vem fan kan man lita på?
För övrigt ljög de om antal poliser i tjänst också:
" In yet another embarrassing revelation it was discovered in March that far from those 143, the force had just 80 on duty."