Kan man lita på Hans Rosling?
Missförstå mig rätt, Hans är en hyvens människa med mer fakta om det mesta än de flesta. Men det får inte bli detsamma som att svälja allt han säger; hans ekonomiska kalkyl om vad invandringen kostar Sverige var fel vilket han också erkänt. Men det var inte totalitärmedierna som avslöjade den fadäsen, det var Tino Sanandaji. När det gäller Roslings kritik av totalitärmedierna så står jag bakom den.
Men allt skall granskas. Nu kommer det uppgifter om att Nigeria har en bit kvar.
"A full-blown economic crisis in the first months of Buhari’s presidency isn’t reassuring. Nigeria has been disappointing its own people and well-wishers around the world since it achieved independence from Britain back in 1960. A dynamic private sector has made many Nigerians rich, and the entrepreneurial talents of Nigeria’s people have the potential to make this one of the world’s most dynamic societies. But religious rifts (between a mostly Muslim North and Christian South, and also within the North between Boko Haram and the jihadis and the traditionally moderate Islam of the area) and deep tribal splits make it difficult to create the kind of competent and transparent institutions that would secure the rule of law and provide a framework for the prosperity Nigerians so desperately want.
The scale of Nigeria’s problems and the complexity of its society make it a difficult country for outsiders to help. But what happens there matters to people all over the world. President Buhari has one of the world’s hardest and most important jobs—and the job is getting harder by the day."
The scale of Nigeria’s problems and the complexity of its society make it a difficult country for outsiders to help. But what happens there matters to people all over the world. President Buhari has one of the world’s hardest and most important jobs—and the job is getting harder by the day."
Lite mer att göra, inte riktigt så enkelt som man trott och självklart skall religioner stöka til ’et.
Postat av: GOTINNA
Hans Rosling är läkare.
Hans professorstitel gäller hälso- och sjukvård.
MSM far med stor osanning när de får honom att framstå som expert på migration.
Postat av: Ipse Cogita!
Jag gillar Rosling för hans engagemang. Men jag håller med om att det, speciellt i hans fall som statistikvurmare, skall vara ordning i faktarutan;)