Bildt på tapeten

I The Guardian intervjuas herr Bildt. Till skillnad från här hemma så får han rejält med mothugg. EUReferendum som har koll på EU och hela den soppan är inte nådig i sin kritik. Lite smakprov:
"However, Bildt has clearly has failed to update himself on the Lisbon Treaty changes (even though he signed up to them), and he is thus working under the impression that, if the treaty process is opened up, the new Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, will be able to use this as a chance to press for changes to the rules governing the single currency.
Under the Art. 48 procedure, of course, only Part III (TFEU) issues can be amended, and that does not include single currency. The euro is safe from any interference by Mr Tsipras and his pals.
What enables Bildt to spread his ignorance, though, is prestige. Endowed with this commodity, he can deliver any amount of tosh to the Guardian, not because it is right, or because the man has any insights worth having, but simply because his prestige carries the day."
Under the Art. 48 procedure, of course, only Part III (TFEU) issues can be amended, and that does not include single currency. The euro is safe from any interference by Mr Tsipras and his pals.
What enables Bildt to spread his ignorance, though, is prestige. Endowed with this commodity, he can deliver any amount of tosh to the Guardian, not because it is right, or because the man has any insights worth having, but simply because his prestige carries the day."
"As to who makes the rules, as we know, it isn't Brussels. We need to be "outside of Brussels" to resume our place at the top table, and the likes of Mr Bildt haven't even realised it yet.
Why should we defer to these people? They are the epitome of ignorance."
Why should we defer to these people? They are the epitome of ignorance."
Vem som har "rätt" intresserar mig inte. Däremot att det finns en diskussion därute. Här hemma diskuteras inte EU och dess framtid över huvud taget viket jag finner ytterst märkligt.