Samma problem här som där
Booker brukar ha koll på läget. Precis som i Sverige så påstås fartkameror rädda liv. Men det finns de som tvivlar:
"No one was more startled by these claims than Idris Francis, an engineer and reader of this column. For 12 years he had been feeding into his computer huge quantities of data from police sources and TfL itself.
First he tracked back into the late Eighties the number of “KSIs” (killed and seriously injured) recorded at each camera site. This did indeed show a dramatic and steady decline. But he then compiled a graph showing the accident rate for the whole of London, subtracting the data for the sites with cameras. The result was unequivocal. The two graphs, though very slightly apart, showed exactly the same rate of decline. In other words, any evidence that cameras affected the accident rate was virtually nil."
First he tracked back into the late Eighties the number of “KSIs” (killed and seriously injured) recorded at each camera site. This did indeed show a dramatic and steady decline. But he then compiled a graph showing the accident rate for the whole of London, subtracting the data for the sites with cameras. The result was unequivocal. The two graphs, though very slightly apart, showed exactly the same rate of decline. In other words, any evidence that cameras affected the accident rate was virtually nil."
Att att någon i ansvarig ställning skulle lyssna på Idris Francis och vad denne kommit fram till faller på det faktum att vissa vill bara lyssna på mainstream-synpunkter.
Det enda jag personligen märkt vad gäller fartkameror är att folk är ögontjänare. Självfallet skall svensken köra under stipulerad fart så att man verkligen inte åker fast. Ryckigheten tilltar och min syn på människor i allmänhet avtar.
Intressant dock att olika vansinnigheter finner fäste lite över allt — inte bar hos oss.
Arma land får jag väl snart byta ut mot arma mänsklighet; även om vi ligger i framkanten på stolligheter.