Golden Rice igen

Jag hittar saker.
Att Greenpeace är en organisation som tappat all vett och sans torde stå klart för var och en förutom de vars hjärna tvättats alltför hårt. Pointman´s skriver:
"Take a look at the picture accompanying this article. They’re activists destroying a genetically modified crop that’s taken years to develop and the researchers have pleaded with them on bended knees not to do it. Every time they do that, it takes the whole project back one growing season. Over the years, Greenpeace have organised many such demonstrations and brought along their own media people to capture the happy event. When militant environmentalism goes into the dustbin of history, and it will, such wanton acts of senseless destruction will end but for now it creates a gap.
That gap is the time between when things like Golden Rice should have reached the people who truly need it and when they’ll actually get it. Those crop-destroying people are on a feel-good ego trip and blissfully ignorant of things like the million kids a year that VAD needlessly claims due to their efforts. At the end of the day, our real job as skeptics is to make that gap smaller, nothing more.
In my heart of hearts, I consider what’s happening in that picture to be murder. If the only rough justice available is thirty of their fellow minions doing time in Russia, well, at least it’s something, because none of those bastards in the picture above will ever face a judge or jury for what they’ve done." (min fetning).
Just saying ...


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